Global pre-commit

I made a mistake when committing to repo recently I was using terraform plan to bring some infrastructure under management of a repo. And managed to commit some secrets in the process by adding by accident. I ended up nuking the repo because it was new enough that this was the easiest option.

But this got me thinking I should use gitleaks as pre-commit hook. And I wondered if I could do this globally. After throwing into google I found a few GitHub issues (pre-commit#450) and stackoverflow answers (ref). So bringing them together this is what I came up with.

Firstly I found a command that allows you to test pre-commit hooks, This was useful in testing hooks:

git hook run pre-commit

It’s also possible to set a global hook directory in git:

git config --global core.hooksPath ~/.config/git/hooks

What this means is placing a pre-commit script into the ~/.config/git/hooks directory it will be executed on every commit.

When you run pre-commit install in repo it creates .git/hooks/pre-commit.

So taking some inspiration from that I created new pre-commit script.

This will:

  1. Run global pre-commit config stored in ~/.config/pre-commit/pre-commit-config.yaml
  2. Run any git pre-commit script present .git/hooks/pre-commit
  3. Run pre-commit if there’s .pre-commit-config.yaml

This will mean that if you’ve installed via pre-commit it will execute twice, but after uninstalling no more need to install. This is partly due to if you have config core.hooksPath set pre-commit install will no longer install hooks.

[ERROR] Cowardly refusing to install hooks with `core.hooksPath` set.
hint: `git config --unset-all core.hooksPath`


#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

hook_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
args=(hook-impl --hook-type=pre-commit --hook-dir="$hook_dir")

function run-pre-commit() {
  local configFile="$1"
  if type pre-commit &>/dev/null; then
    pre-commit "${args[@]}" --config="${configFile}" -- "$@"
    echo 'pre-commit not found.' 1>&2
    exit 1

if [ -f "$HOME/.config/pre-commit/pre-commit-config.yaml" ]; then
  run-pre-commit "$HOME/.config/pre-commit/pre-commit-config.yaml" "$@"

if [ -f .pre-commit-config.yaml ]; then
  run-pre-commit .pre-commit-config.yaml "$@"

if [ -e ./.git/hooks/pre-commit ]; then
  ./.git/hooks/pre-commit "$@"


  - repo:
    rev: v8.16.1
      - id: gitleaks-system
        name: gitleaks

Testing on existing repo with .pre-commit-config.yaml, it ran gitleaks first, then the repos terraform hooks:

Terraform fmt............................................................Passed
Terraform validate with tflint...........................................Passed
Terraform docs...........................................................Passed

And re-testing the failure scenario, it would have caught it:

- hook id: gitleaks
- exit code: 1

    │ ○
    ○ ░
    ░    gitleaks


1:34PM INF 1 commits scanned.
1:34PM INF scan completed in 61.8ms
1:34PM WRN leaks found: 2